WordPress on IIS 8.5 (Windows 2012 R2)

The Manual Installation and Configuration of WordPress and all accompanying components on Windows Server 2012 R2 WordPress “Requirements” PHP 5.6 or greater MySQL 5.5 or greater The mod_rewrite Apache module – You can find the requirements more depth directly from the WordpPress page: WordPress Requirements We are going to use: WordPress Version 4.3.1 PHP 5.4 MySQL…

Install and Setup Plex on FreeNAS

NOTE: This how-to assumes that you have set up you FreeNAS installation according to the instructions shown in my tutorial: Install and Setup FreeNAS on Dell CS24-SC Setting up a Share First we are going to need to set up a share(I did cover this in my Install and Setup FreeNAS on Dell CS24-SC tutorial, so…